Research in charity domain


1-     Historical Stages of Education in Somalia (presentation and analysis).

2-     Study of Muslim Minority in India.

3-     Study of Muslim Minority in Chechnya.

4-     Study of Muslim Minority in Kazakhstan.

5-     Study of Muslim Minority in Ethiopia.

6-     Role of charitable work in the development.

7-     Coordination and integration of voluntary charitable organizations and the effect of that on the growth and promotion of charitable activity.

8-     Charitable culture in Islam.

9-     Historical, civilization and cultural role of Muslims in the Central Asian and Caucasian countries in the past, present and future.

10- Muslims in Tajikistan.

11- Muslims in Crimean peninsula.

12- Muslims in Republic of Kazakhstan.

13- Muslims in Republic of Chechnya.

14- Muslims in Republic of Azerbaijan  

15-Community development projects for :

                                                              i.      India

                                                           ii.      Sudan

                                                         iii.      Iraq

                                                         iv.      South Africa

16-Youth empowerment project in Western region (Saudi Arabia) 

17-Develop and facilitated more than 30 workshops.

Last Update
6/29/2009 11:09:43 AM